Everything you might need

  • Learning Content

    Full online learning content for the course to be accessed by learners from home online, face-to-face with teachers, mentors or instructors in the classroom or via blended learning.

  • Competence LMS

    Benefit from a managed, simplified and controlled learning process including, where relevant, automarked knowledge-checks, discussions, submissions to questions with assessments, practical assessments, eportfolio of submissions & evidence, learner progress dashboards against knowledge, skills and behaviours and selected end-point assessment materials or final assessments against learning outcomes/assessment criteria.

Available Courses

Courses are available for licensing and delivery by Colleges, Training Organisations or Employers and are recommended or approved by a range of Awarding Bodies, CIMPSPA and various Institutes, Governing Bodies and Associations.
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Any device, any location


  • Meets demanding expectations of current learners
  • Uses a varied suite of multimedia elements
  • Accessed via any smartphone or tablet
  • Makes learning, submission and assessment as simple as possible